High School Classes 9th-12th 2025/2026 Advanced Biology, Human A&P 11-12Algebra I 8-10Algebra II 9-12American Sign Language I 9-12American Sign Language II 9-12Auditioned High School Drama 9-12Biblical Archeology & Apologetics 8-12Biology with Lab 9-12Business Math 10-12Chefs in Action Cooking Class 5-12Chemistry 10-12Computer Applications 10-12Computer Basics 6-10Creative Script Writing 6-12Criminal Justice 9-12Crochet & Hand Sewing 6-12Current Events Critical Thinking in a Crazy World 6-12Discovering the Delights of Watercolor 6-12 (adults welcome)Economics 9-12 (spring only)English 9/10 Great Books 9-11 FULLEnglish 11/12 Shakespeare 11-12Forensics I 10-12Forensics II 11-12 (available 2026/2027)French I 8-12French II & III 9-12 25/26 Interactive Schedule Geometry 10-12High School Health 9-12Home Economics Life Skills 9-12Individualized ACT Prep 9-12 (fall only)Make Your Own Movie Lego Stop Motion I 4-12Make Your Own Movie Lego Stop Motion II 4-12Marine Biology 10-12Math-U-See Geometry 9-11Media Production Sr. 9-12Middle/High School Drama 6-12Personal Finance 9-12 (spring only)Phonics of Art and Drawing (Tues) 4-12Phonics of Art & Drawing Level I-IV (Wed.) 4-12Physical Science 7-11Pre-Algebra 7-9Pre Calculus/ACT Math 10-12Psychology & Human Interactions 9-12$cholarship $ucess 7-12Sketch, Render & Paint 5-12Speech and Debate Class 9-12University Ready Writing, IEW 10-12US Government & Civics 9-12 (fall only)US History 9-12World Culture & Cuisine 6-12World Geography 9-12Yearbook/Newsletter Staff 6-12