World Culture & Cuisine

Travel and taste the world in just 30 weeks! World Culture and Cuisine offers students a comprehensive social studies curriculum as well as opportunities to feast on familiar and unique foods from around the world.

Using Geography III from Memoria Press as our core text, we will learn about significant cultural, economic, political and historical events in each region. This course is excellent preparation for later courses in high school. If students know the locations of countries and their geographical features, along with some basic information about cultures, religions, economics, and historical events, they will better understand the more complex explanations about historical events they will encounter in high school.

Map work plays a major role in this course. Students will work on sections at a time, gradually learning how to draw all of the continents in their correct locations and label countries, capitals, and key features.

We will travel with our taste buds! At the end of each chapter, we will have a Feast Day to celebrate the foods and food traditions of that area.

Class will be lecture and discussion based with note taking in class and include documentary style media presentations. Quizzes and tests will be online through Schoology. Homework assignments will require between 45 minutes-1 hour a week. While this class is fun and tasty, it does lean heavier on the academic side as well. Heavy reading and answering comprehension questions for each chapter will be necessary for success. Accomodations can be made to support students with this need.

Tutor provides a class copy of the Student Text which will be returned at the end of the year. A consumable Student workbook is purchased with part of the supply fee and yours to keep.



Time: 12:55-2:25
Grades: 6-12
Cost: $375
Supply Fee: $100 (includes student workbook)
Tutor: Brenda Lamey