Primary Classes K-3 2025/2026 5 in a Row K-3 FULLAdventures in Art K-3Adventures in Reading & Writing K-2Adventures in Reading & Writing 3-5Amy’s Little Artists K-4Beginner Spanish 1-6Books Alive: A K-3Botany: Seeds to Trees 3-6Cantering the Country K-3Can’t Live Without Science K-3Elementary Drama K-5Exploring STEM: Building Young Innovators K-3 25/26 Interactive Schedule Fun with Art K-4Fun with Fitness K-8Fun with Phonics K-2Lego Building Challenge/STEM 1-6Little Thinkers Science K-3Magic School Bus Science A K-3Magic Treehouse History 2 3-5Moving with Music K-3Multi-Sensory Math Tutoring for Students with Dyscalculia K-8Social Skill Builders K-3Taking America by the Tale K-3Tiny Scholars Pre-K