Social Skill Builders

The Social Skill Builders Classroom is the place to be for confidence and character building and social skills development. Come join us for 30 weeks of adventure and fun as we grow and learn together! 

Each week, we’ll begin our 90 minute class with a short period of unstructured social time to hone our conversation and relationship skills (and to get the wiggles out!).  

Then, we’ll work on beginner Public Speaking skills with weekly Show and Tell time where students can share some of their favorite things and experiences with their classmates.  The speaking skills of volume, speed, tone, posture, and eye contact will be explained, reinforced, and expanded through this activity. 

Using books, videos, music, games, skits, and crafts, students will explore weekly topics related to social development including: 

  • Feelings and Emotions 

  • Sharing 

  • Friendship 

  • Kindness 

  • Citizenship 

  • Courage 

  • Fairness 

  • Giving 

  • Gratitude 

  • Perseverance 

  • Responsibility 

  • Self-Discipline 

  • Trustworthiness 

  • and more! 

Students will engage in cooperative activities and exercises to help learn about these topics and build their character and confidence. 

We will also celebrate the seasons, holidays, special achievements, and student birthdays throughout the year. Students will take part in at least one service project each semester (making cards for nursing home residents and St. Jude patients, participating in a food drive, making hygiene bags for the unhoused, etc.), learning to grow our character and focus our attention outside of ourselves. All levels of learners are welcome in the Social Skill Builders classroom and all supplies will be provided.  

Internet links and printables will be provided for families to continue exploring our weekly topics at home as desired. A private Facebook page will be created for the Social Skill Builders classroom to share pictures and other information (link will be provided once classes begin). 

Homework assignments: Little to no homework. Students will be responsible for bringing Show and Tell items each week as they wish. 


Time: 10:45 -12:15
Class Fee:
Supply fee:
Kelli Brazier