Elementary Classes 4th-6th 2025/2026 Adventures in Reading & Writing 3-5America the Beautiful & TN History 6-8America’s Mostly Amazing History 4-6Amy’s Little Artists K-4Ancient History Writing (IEW A) 4-7Beginner Spanish 1-6Beyond Five in A Row 4-6Beyond the Brush: Art Through Time 4-8Botany: Seeds to Trees 3-6Chefs in Action Cooking Class 5-12Computer Basics 6-10Creation to Resurrection Mystery of History I 5-8Creative Script Writing I & II 6-12Crochet & Hand Sewing 6-12Current Events Critical Thinking in a Crazy World 6-12Democracy Unwrapped: Exploring Civics 6-8Discovering the Delights of Watercolor 6-12Elementary Drama K-5Elementary Foundational Math 4-6Elementary Language Arts 4-6Elementary Spanish 4-6Fun Intro to Chemistry and Physics 4-6Fun with Art K-4Fun with Fitness K-8General Science Lessons & Investigations 4-6General Science, Science in the Atomic Age 4-6 (offered 26/27) 25/26 Interactive Schedule Human Anatomy & Physiology 5-8Language Legends: Middle School Lang. Arts 6-8Lego Building Challenge/STEM 1-6Make Your Own Movie Lego Stop Motion I 4-8Make Your Own Movie Lego Stop-Motion II 4-12Magic Treehouse History II 3-5Media Production Jr. 6-8Middle/High School Drama 6-12Middle School Forensics 6-8 FULLMiddle School Math 6-8Modern World History Writing (IEW B) 5-8Multi-Sensory Math Tutoring for Students with Dyscalculia K-8Myths and Heroes Language Arts 6-8*Nomads to the Moon American History 6-8Not Art, Art 4-6Phonics of Art and Drawing (Tues) 4-12Phonics of Art & Drawing Level I - IV (Wed) 4-12Plot Twisters Book Club 4-8Science Academy 4-6S.T.E.M. 4-6Sketch, Render, and Paint 5-12Think Like a Pro: Mastering Logic for Daily Life 6-8U.S. History & the 50 States 4-6World Culture & Cuisine 6-12World Geography 4-6Yearbook/Newsletter 6-12