America the Beautiful & TN History
Are you looking for a U.S. history curriculum for your middle school student that is complete and easy to use? America the Beautiful is a one-year course that is centered in God's Word and makes American history exciting for homeschooling student.
History can help us understand people and societies. History offers a storehouse of information about how people and societies behave. History helps us understand change and how the society we live in came to be. Historical study is crucial to the promotion of that elusive creature, the well-informed citizen. This is why we should study history.
This interactive class will include reading assignments from our textbook, student activities, map work, timelines, videos, and hands-on activities that will bring history to life. We will read, discuss, and taste history.
We will also study the state of Tennessee as were move through history using the Abeka State Notebook.
Required materials: (you have the choice of purchasing the books on your own or I can order them for you – prices are listed under supply fees) You can see the books we will be using at
· Notgrass America the Beautiful Part 1
· Notgrass America the Beautiful Part 2
· Notgrass Maps of America the Beautiful
· Notgrass Timeline of America the Beautiful
· Abeka My State Notebook ( )
Class homework requirements: This class will have weekly homework. Most of the time, it will involve reading assignments and quizzes. There will be a fall semester and spring semester test. Schoology will be the main source of these assignments. Students need to have access to Schoology at home.
Time: 9:00-10:30
Grades: 6-8
Cost: $385
Supply Fee: $50 (if you purchase textbooks on your own), $200 (if I purchase the textbooks for you, includes books, shipping and tax)
Tutor: Jill Knight