Home Economics Life Skills Class

“Is my child prepared to live independently in the real world? Do they have the necessary life skills to manage finances and daily tasks? Will they be able to handle challenges on their own?” These questions are normal for parents to ponder as their children grow up and prepare to leave the nest.

Home economics has become more important than it used to be. Generations today are struggling with implementing basic life skills. Upon completion of this class, your child will be equipped with essential building blocks that will help them become successful contributors to society.

This class will be taught in a completely hands-on, project-based method. Most of the projects will be completed in class, therefore, minimal homework will be given. This class will be ungraded unless a grade is requested by the parent.

This class is broken down into four units, personal responsibility, finance, home and car maintenance, and family life. As we work through each unit, we will focus on skills, such as budgeting, cooking and meal planning, time management (in a Social Media World), childcare, sewing basics, and more! We will even hit on “handy” tasks, such as fixing faucets and toilets, changing fuses, fixing a flat tire, and checking the oil in your car.

Students will learn how to navigate successfully living on their own to become confident, thriving adults. It all begins here, Home Economics Life Skills.


Time: 10:45-12:15
Grades: 9-12
Cost: $350
Supply Fee: $125 (all project materials provided)
Tutor: Kim Fowler