Marine Biology

Join us for a deep dive into Marine Biology! This 32-week class explores marine life and habitats. 

Our class will open with a chapter on oceans themselves--including plate tectonics, salinity & density, waves, tides, and other physical characteristics-before studying sea creatures and the different types of ocean zones. Subsequent chapters cover life in the sea, the first four kingdoms (Monera, Protista, Fungi, and Plantae), marine invertebrates, marine vertebrates, marine ecology, the intertidal zone, estuary communities, coral reefs, continental shelf communities, the deep ocean, and more. Students will learn about their interactions with the environment, human impact on marine ecosystems, and the importance of ocean conservation. There was a time when I wanted to be a marine biologist, so let's explore and nerd out together! 

We will use PowerPoints, videos, labs, and hands-on activities to discover the ocean and study what lives there! Dissections will include Brine Shrimp eggs, Clams, Starfish, Sharks, Squid, and a Natural Sponge. We will also examine a Coral Specimen and Dried Sea Fireflies.

We will use the Apologia Marine Biology textbook, 2nd edition.

Please check with your umbrella school. This is a high school lab science designed for 11th-12th grade, but some umbrella schools may treat it like an elective. 

Prerequisite: Biology. Recommended for 11-12th grade. Students in the 10th grade who love science and have already taken Biology and 1 other lab science will be accepted. 

Homework: Students will have homework weekly that will include lecture quizzes, tests, lab reports, reading, on your own comprehension questions, study guides, etc. Students will likely need to spend 30-45 minutes per day during the week on Marine Biology. 

Requirements: Apologia Marine Biology textbook (2nd edition), notebook with paper and dividers, access to Schoology, goggles for dissections and pens/pencils. 


Time: 12:55-2:25
Grades: 10-12
Cost: $445
Supply Fee: $95
Tutor: Andrea Reese