TCT is happy to offer a lunch period for our students. In order for your student to remain on campus and attend our lunch period they must be registered for that day’s lunch period. The signup links are listed below.

Students with a class before AND after our lunch period may request a free lunch spot.

Students with a class before OR after our lunch period may request a paid lunch spot.

Each student must have their own individual lunch period request.


  • Students registered for lunch will directed to the lunch area. Lunch will be in the GYM or outside depending on the weather.

  • We will be offering pizza and lunch cart items for purchase again this year. Information for pizza sign up will be sent out the first week of school.

  • Water is the only beverage allowed for students on the TCT campus. Please send a water bottle with them.

  • TCT is a peanut-free zone - for the safety of all please do not send any lunches or snacks containing peanuts. We do have students attending that have severe, life-threatening peanut allergies.