General Science, Science in the Atomic Age
This challenging 30 week 1 ½ hour class is a laboratory-based, middle school general science course that covers a wide range of topics. It starts with the scientific method and continues with understanding of atoms, molecules, chemicals necessary for life, DNA, cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, how those organ systems produce organisms, how those organisms relate to one another in populations and communities. We will also cover concepts of the environment, ecosystems, and biomes. These topics are all discussed in the context of history, explaining how specific scientific advances led to the scientific explanations that the students are being taught. Students will learn not only the current scientific understanding of these topics, but also how scientists reached that understanding.
In this class we will learn through experiments conducted in and other hands-on activities. The course is laid out so that the student knows what to cover each day. The average student will need to work an average of about 45 minutes every day of the week to cover the weekly assignments. This is a challenging class and a great way to prepare your child to excel in high school sciences.
Supplies provided by the instructor: All lab supplies, dissection supplies and specimens, models, student study guide, tests, and quizzes.
Provided by the student: The textbook Science in the Atomic Age, author Dr. Jay Wile, 3 ring binder (1 ½ to 2 inch) with 16 dividers. Students will need access to Schoology to complete assignments at home. All grading is done by the tutor so solutions workbook will not be needed.
Class Homework requirements: Weekly assignments, average time estimate 3 ½ to 4 ½ hours depending on the student.
Time: 12:55-2:25
Grades: 6-8
Cost: $395
Supply Fee: $95
Tutor: Andrea Reese