Phonics of Art and Drawing Level I, II, III, IV & V (Wednesday)

The Phonics of Art and Drawing levels I & II is a 30-week 1 ½ hour class where the students will learn to develop and improve the fundamental drawing principles that will enable them to draw anything! This progressive step-by-step course will provide a solid foundation for artistic expression. The topics include Shape, Shadow, Contour Line, Perspective, Color Theory, Portraiture, Composition, and Style (Impressionism & Expressionism) Uses charcoal, oil pastel, colored pencil, and watercolor.

Level II, III, IV, and V students will continue to work on these same principles of art and drawing with progressively challenging subjects and more expanded media used. They will use the additional tools of color pastels, water colored pencils and be introduced to acrylics. Higher levels will progress to sampling other areas of artistic expression within the discipline of an artist.  Students must complete the levels in order. If you have any questions as to which art class would best benefit your student call Megan at 901-848-8963 to find out more information about the best fit for your child or children.

Parents, please note this class is challenging but very doable for the serious art student who is willing to work hard and complete difficult tasks to improve their art ability.

 Class Homework requirements:  Level I and II Daily warmup exercises to work on muscle memory, Level III or higher 30 min to 1-hour assignments.  Time as needed to complete projects not finished in class.

Required supplies.  Students in level III or above will need the Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain Workbook. If they have not already completed it.


Time: 12:55-2:25 pm
Grades: 4 -12
Class Fee: $390
Supply fee: $95 (all materials are provided with this fee)
TutorMegan Powell