Elementary Book Club A

Rotation A

Does your child love to read? Do you want her to improve her reading skills? Does he love to talk about stories over and over?

A book club for kids is one of the best ways to combine learning and fun! This course is designed to develop your young student’s interest in reading, as well as provide a great way to make reading social for those who crave an outlet to share their reading love. These social gatherings help all kids go deeper into the books they read to boost comprehension and their connections between the text and themselves, the world, and other books.

As we read books from a variety of genres together, we will spend time in class discussing each using many creative methods. These may include, but are not limited to:

■ Acting out scenes ■ Building projects (Legos, play-doh, etc.) ■ Making commercials ■ Art projects ■ Writing stories or articles ■ Watching a movie adaptation after reading the corresponding book ■ Sharing a yummy treat related to the book ■ Good old-fashioned talking

This year we are in Section “A” of our 3-year Elementary Book Club rotation. A student can join us for all 3 years of Book Club in any order they wish. Each year’s book list is completely different from the others, and students are encouraged to participate in more than one year. Last year’s book list included “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory”, “Charlotte’s Web”, “Tuck Everlasting” and more. This year’s complete book list will be provided at the beginning of the fall semester.

Feedback from a former book club student’s parent: “This was S…‘s favorite class by far. He is not a natural reader, and this class made him want to read the books and join in the fun discussion with friends. Very thankful!!”

Class homework assignments: light – each student will be expected to read the assigned books within deadlines and participate in class projects


Time: 12:55-2:25
Class Fees:
Supply fee: 
$150 (books will be provided)
Debbie Vaughn